
What Is The Most Money A Gdq Event Has Raised

Information technology's squeamish to talk well-nigh fundraising in the abstract and offer upward best practices and tips for making the most of your fundraising techniques and tactics. But sometimes information technology helps to have some numbers and figures thrown in with the abstractions.

Having said that, nosotros've taken a look at some fundraising statistics that we think are very interesting and deserve to be brought to your attention.

General Fundraising Statistics
Online Donation Statistics
Social Media Fundraising Statistics
Mobile Fundraising Statistics
Email Fundraising Statistics
Fundraising Result Statistics
Matching Gifts Statistics

Check out these amazing fundraising statistics.

General Fundraising Statistics

  • 18% of Americans accept said that supporting youth and family causes are almost important to them.
    • 12% said animals.
    • 12% said medical research.
    • 11% said education.
    • seven% said disaster relief.
    • 7% said human rights.
    • 6% said the environment.
    • 3% said global health.
  • Men between the ages of eighteen and 34 are more likely to make a charitable donation than any other group.
  • 60% of millennials donate an average of $481 to nonprofits each twelvemonth.
  • Nearly 3 out of four young adults are willing to raise money on behalf of an system that matters to them.
  • The boilerplate American supports 4.5 charities.
  • 69% of Americans requite charitably.
  • 69% of all donations are fabricated by individuals.
    • 17% are made by foundations.
    • 10% are fabricated through bequests.
    • 5% are made by corporations.
  • Individuals that earn $25,000 or less donate the largest share (sixteen.half dozen%) of their income to clemency.
  • 12% of all giving happens in the concluding three days of the year.
  • 35% of all giving happens in the concluding three months of the year.
  • Monthly donors requite 42% more than in 1 year than one-fourth dimension donors.
  • 88% of dollars raised comes from 12% of an organization's donors.
  • Giving is projected to increment by 5.1% in 2021.
  • Nonprofits process more donations between 10:00 p.1000. and 11:00 p.1000. EST than any other 60 minutes of the mean solar day.
  • In 2019, religious organizations received the majority (29%) of the $449.64 billion dollars donated. Instruction organizations received the next highest percentage of total giving (14%).
  •  participate in a monthly giving program.

Online Donation Statistics

  • roughly 13% of online gifts in 2020, up from 8.7% of full giving in 2019.
    • Here's a handy infographic to help you make a case for online giving
  • Online donations made up 14.1% of all donations received past nonprofits earning less than one million dollars per year.
  • .
  • 47% of donors over the age of 60 give online.
  • Online donors aged 55 to 64 are the about generous crowdfunders
  • 75% of young donors are turned off by out-of-date websites
  • Donations fabricated on a branded donation course are, on average, 38% larger than contributions fabricated through a generic PayPal page
  • Supporters are nearly 70% more likely to give a second donation if they used a branded folio the first time they made a contribution.
  • Online resources are considered 20% more useful than straight mail when it comes to influencing donors.
  • 57% of people who watch nonprofit videos get on to make a donation.
  • Donors are 34% more likely to give on responsive websites.
  • 42% of traffic to nonprofit websites came from organic traffic in 2020.
  • Search ads had the best ROI (render on investment) for nonprofits using paid advertising, with an average ROI of $4.78.
  • For every 1,000 website visitors, a nonprofit raises $612.
  • Online gifts across all nonprofit subsectors averages $148
  • Mac users give an boilerplate of $182 per donation.
    • PC users give an boilerplate of $137 per donation.
  • Internet Explorer users give an average of $138 per donation.
    • FireFox users give an boilerplate of $140 per donation.
    • Chrome users give an average of $153 per donation.
    • Safari users give an average of $168 per donation.
    • Yahoo users requite an average of $120 per donation.

Social Media Fundraising Statistics

  • 74% of American internet users are on Facebook.
    • 36% are on LinkedIn.
    • 31% are on Pinterest.
    • 22% are on Twitter.
    • 18% are on Instagram.
    • 11% are on SnapChat.
  • Since launching Facebook fundraising tools in 2015, Facebook fundraisers have raised more $2 billion for nonprofits and personal causes.
  • For nonprofits 1.iii% of all online acquirement came via Facebook fundraisers.
  • Social media posts were the #1 drivers of charitable giving in 2020.
  • There was a 14% increase in revenue from Facebook Fundraisers in 2020.
  • 81.6% of donors look at your nonprofit website and your social media accounts commencement for updates on your organization
  • The boilerplate ROI on social media ads was $1.05.

Mobile Fundraising Statistics

  • Approximately 26% of all online giving was processed on mobile devices.
  • 19.4% of nonprofit event registrations occur on mobile devices.
  • 51% of people who visit a nonprofit'southward website exercise so on a mobile device.
  • Mobile-responsive donation pages yield 34% more donations.
  • Apple tree devices like iPhones and iPads processed 80% of all mobile donations in by years.
  • Text donors are nearly probable to be 49- to 59-years-old, married women who accept college degrees.
  • 41% of Americans don't have a landline.
  • 91% of Americans own a smartphone and expect at them effectually 80 times a day.
  • The average text-to-give donation is $102.65.
  • 98% of text letters are opened within the showtime five minutes.
  • xx , the same per centum every bit in 2019 .
  • Summate the ROI of text fundraising past using the statistics above. ROI = (Gain of investment – Cost of investment) / Cost of investment
    • An example with Qgiv's text fundraising package, which is $129/month, and the boilerplate text donation amount, $102.65. To achieve a 200% ROI for text fundraising, your nonprofit would demand to heighten $387.
    • ($387 – $129) / $129 = two

Email Fundraising Statistics

  • Email has the highest return on investment of any marketing channel ($40 for every dollar spent!).
  • For every i,000 email subscribers, nonprofits accept , up f rom 285 Facebook followers and 112 Twitter followers.
  • sixteen.6% of donors who support from an email are doing so on a mobile device.
  • Open rates for nonprofit emails is between 15% and 17.5%.
  • 27% of nonprofits spend less than $i,000 of their budget on marketing a year.
  • The average former gift from email fundraising is $57. The average monthly gift is $xx.
  • The dollar amount raised by 1,000 fundraising messages sent increased by 35% in 2020.
  • The average response rate for an advancement e-mail rose 5% in 2020, while the response rate for fundraising emails grew 41% for the aforementioned time period.
  • Unique/Corporate/Other email users requite an average of $165 per donation.
    • Gmail users give an average of $143 per donation.
    • AOL users requite an average of $138 per donation.
    • Hotmail users give an average of $128 per donation.

Fundraising Event Statistics

  • The mean donation on our peer-to-peer platform increased from $87.46 in 2019 to $108.62 in 2020.
  • The retentiveness charge per unit for peer-to-peer fundraisers was 25.ane% in 2019, only it dropped to xiv.7% in 2020.
  • While baby boomers are unlikely to engage in peer-to-peer fundraising, other generations are. In fact, 84% of Generation Z is open to becoming a fundraiser on behalf of your organization!
  • 56% of donors regularly attend fundraising events.
  • 69.9% of nonprofits plan to include some virtual elements in their fundraisers going forward. 23.7% plan to stick with virtual going forward.

Matching Gifts Statistics

  • 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer a matching gifts program.
  • Millennial donors are virtually likely to apply for a matching gift.

Final Thoughts

Keeping up to appointment with the latest fundraising research is a peachy mode for your nonprofit to stay alee and achieve your mission. If yous haven't already, bank check out Navigating the Unknown  and become valuable insights from our well-nigh recent study, plus become well-idea-out action steps to aid motion your nonprofit in the right direction!


  • Qgiv
  • The Hold Leadership Group
  • Nonprofit Tech for Skillful
  • Double the Donation
  • DonorSearch
  • Giving Usa 2020 Charitable Giving Trends
  • Blackbaud Institute 2019 Charitable Giving Report
  • Philanthropy Outlook Total Giving Projections
  • Social Media Today Facebook Fundraiser Stats
  • Yard+R Benchmarks 2020 Social Media Data and M+R Benchmarks 2021


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